
CCSE – Certified Cloud Security Engineer (e-Learning)

365 Dias

Validade do curso


Tempo estimado em horário livre


EC-Council’s Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) course is curated by cloud security professionals in association with renowned subject matter experts to deliver a mix of vendor-neutral and vendor-specific cloud security concepts. The vendor-neutral concepts focus on cloud security practices, technologies, frameworks, and principles. In contrast, the vendor-specific materials deliver the practical skills that are needed to configure specific platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This offers candidates a well-balanced mix of theoretical and practical skills. In addition, advanced topics also cover modules on securing the cloud infrastructure by implementing regulations and standards to maintain security. EC-Council’s cloud security course is mapped to the real-time job roles and responsibilities of cloud security professionals and is ideal for beginners as well as experienced cybersecurity professionals.

Aceda à brochura do Curso.

Why Should You Become a Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE)?

Organizations need cloud security engineers to help them build a secure cloud infrastructure, monitor vulnerabilities, and implement incidence response plans to mitigate cloud-based threats. CCSE, with its unique blend of vendor-neutral and vendor-specific concepts, trains candidates in the fundamentals while equipping them with job-ready practical skills. With CCSE, candidates learn:

01 – The fundamentals of cloud security in a vendor-neutral environment

02 – How to use tools and techniques to configure public cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and GCP

03 –How to design and maintain a secure cloud environment

04 – The knowledge and skills to protect, detect, and respond to cloud network infrastructure threats

05 – How to design and implement business continuity and disaster recovery plans

06 – How to perform a cloud security audit and penetration testing


  • Plan, implement, and execute cloud platform security for an organization.
  • Securely access cloud resources through identity and access management (IAM)
  • Evaluate and control organizational cloud network architecture by integrating various security controls the service provider offers.
  • Evaluate cloud storage techniques and threats on data stored in the cloud and understand how to protect cloud data from attacks.
  • Implement and manage cloud security on various cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Understand the shared responsibility model of the service provider.
  • Evaluate various cloud security standards, compliance programs, and features offered by AWS, Azure, and GCP, and perform cloud computing security audits.
  • Implement various threat detection and response services provided by Azure, AWS, and GCP to identify threats to an organization’s cloud services.
  • Evaluate and mitigate security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in a cloud platform.
  • Integrate best practices to secure cloud infrastructure components (network, storage and virtualization, and management).
  • Secure organizational cloud applications by understanding the secure software development lifecycle of cloud applications and by implementing additional security controls to enhance the security of hosted cloud applications.
  • Design and implement a GRC framework, a cloud incident response plan, and a business continuity plan for cloud services.
  • Utilize the security services and tools provided in Azure, AWS, and GCP to secure the organizational cloud environment.
  • Understand the legal implications associated with cloud computing to protect organizations.
  • Implement operational controls and standards to build, operate, manage, and maintain the cloud infrastructure.
  • Understand and implement security for private, multi-tenant, and hybrid cloud environments.


Who Should Earn a Cloud Security Certification?
  • Network security engineers
  • Cybersecurity analysts
  • Network security analysts
  • Cloud administrators and engineers
  • Network security administrators
  • Cloud analysts
  • Cybersecurity engineers
  • Those working in network and cloud management and operations


Cursos E-learning EC-Council não beneficiam de isenção de IVA. Ao valor apresentado acresce IVA.

O exame EC-Council incluido no valor do curso deve ser obrigatoriamente realizado presencialmente, num dos centros de Exames GALILEU/Rumos.

Caso não tenha disponibilidade ou não pretenda realizar o exame de forma presencial e prefira uma solução remota acresce uma taxa de 89€ + IVA ao valor do curso.

Mensalidades (apenas para particulares): Taxa de inscrição de 10% + pagamento do valor restante em prestações flexíveis, sem juros, à escolha do cliente, através do parceiro Cofidis Pay. (Sujeito a aprovação, consulta-nos para mais informações).


Learn (Self-Study)

ILearn is an asynchronous, self-study environment that delivers EC-Council’s sought-after Cloud Security course in a streaming video format.

iWeek (Live Online)

iWeek is a live, online, instructor-led training course that can be accessed from anywhere; all that is needed is an internet connection.

Training Partner (In Person)

In-person cloud security training offers the benefits of peer collaboration and real-world skills gained through interactions. In-person training can be accessed through one of hundreds of training centers around the world that are authorized to teach EC-Council courses.

  • Delivery Mode:
    • Instructor-led training (ILT)
    • iWeek (synchronous online learning)
    • iLearn (asynchronous online learning)

About the Exam:

  • Exam Prefix: 312-40 (ECC EXAM)
  • Number of Questions: 125
  • Test Duration: 4 Hours
  • Test Format: Multiple Choice
  • Test Delivery: EC-Council Exam Portal


  • Module 01: Introduction to Cloud Security
  • Module 02: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud
  • Module 03: Application Security in the Cloud
  • Module 04: Data Security in the Cloud
  • Module 05: Operation Security in the Cloud
  • Module 06: Penetration Testing in the Cloud
  • Module 07: Incident Detection and Response in the Cloud
  • Module 08: Forensics Investigation in the Cloud
  • Module 09: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
  • Module 10: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud
  • Module 11: Standards, Policies, and Legal Issues in the Cloud
  • Appendix (Self-Study): Private, Hybrid, and Multi-Tenant Cloud Security

Quero saber mais informações sobre este curso

CCSE – Certified Cloud Security Engineer (e-Learning)

EC-Council | h - e-learning, validade 365 dias


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CCSE – Certified Cloud Security Engineer (e-Learning)

EC-Council | h - e-learning, validade 365 dias

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