Com Certificação

EDRP: Disaster Recovery Professional v3 (e-Learning)

365 Dias

Validade do curso

- Horas

Tempo estimado em horário livre


EDRP provides the professionals with a strong understanding of business continuity and disaster recovery principles, including conducting business impact analysis, assessing of risks, developing policies and procedures, and implementing a plan. It also teaches professionals how to secure data by putting policies and procedures in place, and how to recover and restore their organization’s critical data in the aftermath of a disaster.

The EDRP certification is aimed at educating and validating a candidate’s ability to plan, strategize, implement, and maintain a business continuity and disaster recovery plan.

From 9/11 to Hurricane Katrina to the recent WannaCry fiasco, the business community has been hit over and over again by one disaster after another in the past decade and a half. The scary part is that the frequency is increasing exponentially in the past few years, thanks to the growing number of cyber-attacks.

Even scarier is the study that shows that 2 out of 5 business still do not even have a BC/DR plan. And out of the ones that do, only about half of them even test it regularly to see if it is still relevant. Furthermore, industry experts have reiterated the fact in every forum possible, that the size of the business is irrelevant to having a BC/DR plan. Everyone needs to have one to stay relevant in current times.

This scenario can only be amended by trained BC/DR professionals who not only understand the gravity of the situation, but also are equipped to ensure that businesses are least impacted when a disaster strikes.

What New in Version 3?
  • This version has a completely updated and redesigned curriculum which approaches the BC/DR domain covering the latest industry gaps, concepts, best practices, trends and technologies.
  • EDRPv3 combines BC and DR into a single fluent approach which allows enterprises to gain a holistic view of their requirements.
  • It provides focus to BC/DR in an IT environment, as compared to the previous version of EDRP which dealt with generic disaster recovery.
  • A completely new set of labs are developed to enable attendees to gain critical experience and skills in BC/DR.
  • The program is designed to provide much needed step-by-step guidance to attendees and then tests their knowledge through case studies.
  • EDRPv3 addresses gaps in other BC/DR programs by providing helpful templates that are applied to BC/DR efforts in an enterprise.
  • The courseware comes complete with reports and white papers sourced from some of the top practitioners of the BC/DR industry.
  • Compliant to the United States National Initiative for Cyber Education.
  • Program framework and instructional approach is carefully architectured to follow a four-stage BCDR methodology, as practiced by the industry.

Cursos E-learning EC-Council não beneficiam de isenção de IVA.


  • The EDRP course will give participants the necessary skills to develop enterprise-wide business continuity and disaster recovery plans.


  • IT Professionals in the BC/DR or System Administration domain
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Consultants
  • Individuals wanting to establish themselves in the field of IT Business
  • Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • IT Risk Managers and Consultants
  • CISOs and IT Directors


Cursos E-learning EC-Council não beneficiam de isenção de IVA. Ao valor apresentado acresce IVA.
O exame EC-Council incluido no valor do curso deve ser obrigatoriamente realizado presencialmente, num dos centros de Exames GALILEU/Rumos.
Caso não tenha disponibilidade ou não pretenda realizar o exame de forma presencial e prefira uma solução remota acresce uma taxa de 89€ + IVA ao valor do curso.


Some experience in the IT BC/DR domain.


Este curso e-learning inclui
  • Instructor-led, streaming vídeo training modules – Acesso durante 1 ano
  • Acesso iLabs – Virtual lab platform – Acesso durante 6 meses
  • Manual digital
  • Certificado de participação
  • Voucher de exame de certificação

Este curso também está disponível no formato Presencial / Live Training. Para mais informações aceda ao link: Disaster Recovery Professional v3 (EDRP)

About the Exam
  • Number of Questions: 150
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Test Duration: 4 hours
  • Test Format: MCQ
  • Test Delivery: ECC Exam Portal


  • Introduction to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  • Business Continuity Management (BCM)
  • Risk Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
  • Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
  • Data Backup Strategies
  • Data Recovery Strategies
  • Virtualization-Based Disaster Recovery
  • System Recovery
  • Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery
  • Disaster Recovery Planning Process
  • BCP Testing, Maintenance, and Training

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EDRP: Disaster Recovery Professional v3 (e-Learning)

EC-Council | -h - e-learning, validade 365 dias


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EDRP: Disaster Recovery Professional v3 (e-Learning)

EC-Council | -h - e-learning, validade 365 dias

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